A call to action for grad parents

If your child says that they are going to an event with other kids, question it, get to know the kids and parents involved

To the parents of Pen High grad students and all other adults in this community: we need to wake up. We need to accept some responsibility for the actions of our kids and for the generation of children we have created.

Recent events involving students in Penticton have reaffirmed my belief that we as a community must take a more active and positive approach with respect to the guidance and supervision that we supply to children (and in particular the ones approaching graduation). This is not about accusing your child, or any other child. It is about providing supervision and guidance.

It is that time of the year when many students in Grade 12 will be looking to blow off steam, to celebrate and to be involved in traditions such as “grad napping” which just occurred and “Sunset” which I am sure is being planned right now.

If your child says that they are going to an event with other kids, question it, get to know the kids and parents involved. Be relentless and honestly get involved. Drive your kid to the event if you feel it’s safe to participate in. Be firm in your expectations, your rules and your guidelines.

And please remember, it is not OK for kids to have an alcoholic drink, not even one. If you think for a moment that they can handle it, then think of the consequences if they can’t. These young men and women are expecting our guidance, and although many will resist, in the end they will appreciate that we care. Please get involved as no one can honestly say that they have no responsibility when something negatively affects one of the kids in this community.

My e-mail is glen2809@hotmail.com and I am interested in meeting with any parents or community members that have any comments. Let’s help our students finish this school year on a positive note. Let’s help them be successful and let us hope that no one’s actions leave a negative legacy for future students.

Kevin Andrews





Penticton Western News