A caring community comes through

Organizers of Together for Christmas dinner thank everyone who donated and hundreds of volunteers

This being our fifth year of celebrating and sharing Christmas with our community, does not make it any easier at being able to say thank you.

How do you say thank you to so many people, businesses and organizations that donated to our cause and to the hundreds of volunteers who gave of themselves and their time for such an enriching experience for our community?

How do you say thank you in a way that lets them know that from our whole being, we truly appreciate what our community did for our community?

Without the support of The Morning Star, KISS and SUN-FM, the generous donations of numerous individuals, businesses and several organizations, we would not have been able to put this dinner on.

Without our volunteers, the Christmas dinner on Christmas Day, with crafts, entertainment and a turkey dinner with all the trimmings would never have happened.

Thank you to all of our guests, we hope your day was at least a little bit more special.

What a wonderful and caring community we live in.

We provided 300 sit-down meals and had 65 meals that were picked up or delivered for those that were shut-ins, that were unable to come out and enjoy our afternoon together.

Thank you does not seem enough, but it will have to do.

From a grateful Together for Christmas.

Angela Vecqueray, Joe Dorval,

Kari Sargeant and Ron Birch


Vernon Morning Star