A Catholic monopoly for seniors care?

Dear Editor,

St. Joe’s, who for years provided health care for people in the Comox Valley, has always said they are “here by invitation.” Now it feels as if their planned merger with Providence which includes the acquisition of Glacier View Lodge is designed to create a Catholic monopoly for seniors care in our community. If this happens, their beliefs will be imposed on far too many of us needing a nursing home or hospice care.

For those of us who may wish to exercise our legal right to physician-assisted death, we will be left with our only option as a “timely and safe transfer” during an unimaginably difficult time. When my time to die comes I would like my care to be about MY wishes – not THEIR beliefs. Unless St. Joe’s will be walking in my shoes I reserve the right to make my own choices.

I respect St. Joe’s right to opt out but I also expect St. Joe’s to respect my legal right to the care I want – the same care that is available in other communities on Vancouver Island – without the physical and emotional pain of a transfer!

Island Health needs to step up and do the right thing for all of the people of the Comox Valley. Hospice should be on a secular site and seniors care should not become a Catholic monopoly.

Stan Gunn



Comox Valley Record