A crosswalk on Third Avenue West. (File photo)

A crosswalk on Third Avenue West. (File photo)

A driver’s perspective

Sharing the Northern View's video on driving Second Avenue West at night with her son

To pedestrians who do not drive vehicles, you need to watch the video on the Northern View website that shows what Second Avenue looks like from a drivers perspective on a rainy dark night.

Just the other day I almost witnessed a pedestrian getting smoked by a car crossing four lanes of traffic on Second Avenue0 by a Chevron. Fortunately the driver saw her in time. The pedestrian was talking on her phone and completely oblivious to her surroundings.

We need to educate pedestrians. I will never cross unless a driver has indicated I can cross. I teach my kids this too and I’ll be sure my 16-year-old watches that video as he has his L. I think the city should put “stop and wait” signs that are about three to four feet high right at the curb at every crosswalk.

As for Charles Hays school, no one should drop their kids off on the opposite side of the school unless their kid is going to use a crosswalk. I don’t know how many times I have tried to pull into traffic legally from the school side, shoulder checking to my left, proceeding to pull into traffic, only to find a kid(s) dodging traffic, crossing the road illegally from the opposite side, as I’m pulling into traffic and startling me. Why take that risk?

Trudy Dolan

Prince Rupert


The Northern View