A few questions for city council

What is wrong with our city name “Williams Lake”? Do we need a different brand to identify who we are?


What is wrong with our city name “Williams Lake”? Do we need a different brand to identify who we are?

In Williams Lake hospitality is not just a word but a way of life and that holds true throughout the Cariboo, Chilcotin and the Coast areas.

Our reputation of characters, free spirit and individualism has attracted and will continue to attract new people to this area. Mayor and council are looking to change Williams Lake and most will agree change is needed and overdue, but maybe fixing potholes would be a place to start.

We can hardly expect people to come here to work, play, raise families and enjoy one of the most diverse areas of recreation in the world if the city itself is something less than it can be. Get your priorities straight council! Just because you currently hold an elected position does not necessarily make you any smarter or wiser than our citizens.

You were elected by the people to do their bidding not just yours. It would be a good idea before you invite the world here to get your house in order.

This mayor and council have or want to spend a large piece of money for a “catch phrase” or a new “cool word” as a promotional gimmick to promote the city to be some kind of “Republic of Something” or other. Do they want us to be like South America? Cripps, what next?

Every city in the province has probably been approached with a similar gimmick. Some may have taken the hook, but I suspect most very wisely did not.

The people of our city and area do not take lightly to being pushed, pulled or led down a garden path. They want transparency in city hall. To promote our city is a good thing but the way this city slicker gimmick promotion is going down leaves unanswered questions:

Question 1: Mayor and council, has there been a commitment of any kind or payment of funds to any individual, company or agency for this project to-date?

Question 2: If so what is the dollar figure and is it a onetime amount or an open ended deal with ongoing costs?

Question 3: Is there any reason these questions cannot be answered by next Tuesday publication of this newspaper?

Clarence Moore

Williams Lake


Williams Lake Tribune