A few thoughts

Resident provides some comments on what it means to be a Canadian

I have politely waited until our Christian celebrations have finished and wished all my friends and relatives a merry Christmas and a very fruitful new year. Don’t tell me it is politically incorrect to say merry Christmas because someone from another country moved here and finds it offensive.

This comment, should it get published, will no doubt raise the ire of many of our locals who choose to make every world order and repression their business. Go ahead, but don’t make it mine.

More than 40 years ago when I was in my mid 20s, I made the life-changing decision to leave my birth country because I was unhappy with the direction it was going and was not willing to be part of the demise. So I chose to make Canada my new home, give it my allegiance and all I had to offer, including my heritage and children.

I am not a British-Canadian or a U.K.-Canadian or any other double-talk synonym that people choose to invent today to serve whatever purpose they find fits their agenda.

I left England to be a Canadian and I am proud of it.

If someone comes to this country to be a Canadian, then be one. End of discussion.

I have worked with many people who have opinions on everything but never to be heard in public. I hear people bitch in coffee shops, etc about all of the things that don’t sit well with them but will never speak in an open forum to get those things changed or corrected.

It really annoys me when people shut down roads and cause havoc with parades and civil disobedience to our society to protest a political issue in their homeland. If it is that important to you, then go home and fix it.

If Trump is your obsession, move to the U.S.

If every dictator in another country needs to be dethroned to help your countrymen, go there and do it.

We have enough problems here to solve with crooked politicians, environmental rapists, children without homes or food and high school graduates who cannot read. Look around all of you complainers, and pick a project you can change.

I will go out of my way, in any way I can, to help my fellow Canadians. If you want to send all of your money and head off to another country to do good, then be my guest.

I am proud of you for actually getting off your backside and doing something.

I think we should fix our own problems before we try to fix the rest of the world. That’s an American trait and I am not an American.

I am a Canadian. Now go get some poutine and a beer.

Paul Elmont




Vernon Morning Star