A good sense of community the norm

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. ~ Henry Ford

We got word from Greenwood Elementary School that they got an “overwhelming” response to the article last week about their Breakfast For Learning program needing funding. “The donations are starting to come in,” wrote teacher Jennifer Eaton in an email to the Times.

That’s what is great about living in a small community or region. Neighbours always come through for their neighbours around here. And unlike living in a condo in downtown Vancouver, everyone is likely to know the neighbours’ name too.

The crowd-sourcing fundraising project for Agnes is working well too. She’s been off work because of health issues for a bit and so a trust fund was started at the Heritage Credit Union. Midwellian Lynn Wickens started a Facebook auction to raise funds for Agnes that was covered in the Times last week. That auction will be winding down later this week but it was successful in raising over $3,000 to help the single mom and her family.

It’s great living in an area where this sense of community is the norm. Where the reality of our lives stands in stark contrast to the portrait of the world painted by the global media conglomerate on the six o’clock news.

No wonder people who live out in the country wave to each other when they pass on the highway—they are happy to see each other.


Boundary Creek Times