A green economy is possible and sustainable

Herb Nakada, in his letter to the editor, talks about the need for a green and sustainable economy.


Time is not on our side, warns Ban Ki-Moon. Rajenda Pachauri said maybe 2012 is too late.  Is “Canada” way off the mark?

Global environmental problems increase without end. Canada (Harper/Kent) still blocks Rio+20 global action to mitigate climate change … environmental degradation… eradication of global poverty.

C-38 moves us backward. Harper degrades Canada’s protections compromising its own biosphere.

Rio+20 wants to end global oil and gas subsidies. CAPP (Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers), CEPA (Canadian Energy Pipeline Association), CGA (Canadian Gas Association) with Canada stand opposed. “Canadians” subsidize ($3billion?) oil … gas … cuts medical care and social networks?

Dr. Bill Rees (UBC emeritus) and Dr. Mathis Wackernagel (UBC) were honoured at Rio+20 for their work on “ecological footprint.” It describes our ecological “overshoot” surpassing the planet’s capacity (times four) to sustain our unlimited growth economy.

Rees and Dr. Marc Jaccard (SFU) stood on the railroad tracks in White Rock to disrupt a coal train destined to add more CO2 to the atmosphere (May 5, 2012).

Jaccard and others were arrested and fined. The NDP wants Alberta tar-sand bitumen refined in Canada … adding that CO2 to the atmosphere?

Dr. Chris Keefer stood before Joe Oliver protesting Conservatives’ cuts to medical care (May 22, 2012).  Joe Oliver walked out. Like-minded health-care providers across Canada stood for sufficient medical care (May 18, 2012)

We can create sustainable development goals for a green economy before 2012 ends … through 2020 … or perhaps join the world in support of seeking sustainable goals of Rio+20.

We can plan rapid transitioning to a green economy before 2012 ends. Carrying through to 2020 may give us a shot for future sustainability for all!

We can create decent dignifying human work for all while eradicating poverty … a green economy without growth … environmental sustainability … a democratic social equality fulfilling justice for all … spiritual fulfillment … without inhuman speculative/greed. For all … work is a human task of life.

Herb Nakada

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune