A labour of love


Re: And who did you say you were?, March 29.


Re: And who did you say you were?, March 29.

Columnist Pauline Buck’s article on Alzheimer’s was right on.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Alzheimer’s. It’s your choice what the future holds – yours to decide about the level of care and love. At this stage, you certainly have a good understanding of what is happening. It is most certainly a roller-coaster experience

I can tell you, from 21 years of at-home care of my wife, care-giving for your Alzheimer’s partner, though a tiresome and difficult task, can provide many moments of joy along the way and is not the impossible task it is made out to be.

People will tell you “he should be in a home” and “you have to let go.”

Don’t listen to the naysayers. Indeed, it is a labour of love.

George D. McAbney, Surrey


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