A little perspective on boiling water

Dear editor,

We have so much to be grateful for, living in such a beautiful part of the world and with such a cosmopolitan group of people.

However, no land is perfect. There are always problems below the surface of any idyllic setting. One of the problems that  comes to us occasionally is the boil water advisory alert that we must respond to, if we wish to avoid a case of the back door trots.

May I suggest that this should not be a reason to get upset? In so many  parts of the world, people face a daily struggle finding any water to drink, cook, bathe, wash clothes, or brush their teeth with.

Imagine if every day you had to send one of your children out with a five-gallon can to walk a mile or more and stand in line for hours to have a chance to collect water.  This water would weigh nearly the equivalent  of the child’s  body weight. Then the child would carry that load back to your home.   Imagine if that child was eating one meal a day for its efforts. Also try washing yourself with a gallon of water in a bucket. Getting the water is just a start. Finding fuel to heat the water is the second step.

So next time we have a boil advisory, consider the efforts that millions of people are doing everyday to have what we have running out of our taps.

George Brose

Comox Valley




Comox Valley Record