A LITTLE PERSPECTIVE – Want a house? Maybe a cat, or two?

My fortune cookie told me to get a grip - so now I'm all packed and ready to go. But I really needed a pet carrier not a grip.

Sometimes gossip is handy, sometimes not.

I put my house up for sale last month. What I know about buying and selling a house could be defined as “next to not much.”

I’ve lived here in the Boundary for 40 years and in Midway for 25. My first 11 in the village, I was a renter. The only reason I bought the house was because the landlord wanted to sell it. Facing the prospect of moving, I decided it would be easier to buy the place than not.

Now I have to move down to the States to help out with family and so the house went onto the market.

Putting a For Sale sign on your front lawn can give a lot of people something to talk about other than the weather. News spread pretty fast.

Nothing unusual about news spreading fast when you live in the middle of Midway though—go six blocks in any direction and you are on the outskirts of the village. But having word spread quickly was no problem as far as I could see. After all, I wanted people to know it was on the market.

Just a few short days after the post had gone into the front lawn I was happily surprised to get an honest to gosh real offer on the place.

I felt like the king of the world; an illusion that was helped along because I found out I had subjects now. Seems that the offer was “subject to” certain things. Basically, we were talking but I hadn’t actually sold it yet.

The offer came on so fast that a lot of people were still into using the sign itself as the conversation starter with me. So they got to see me slap on a big grin and tell them I’d sold it.

Only it wasn’t sold—the deal fell through. So if you have always wanted to live in downtown Midway and are looking for an affordable place and you have been kicking yourself because you heard the place sold, well I am writing to tell you that it is still here for you.

And as a bonus the place comes with cats!

No wait—scratch that! I just get one rumour quashed and then I flap my gums and get another one going!

No, the cats won’t be sold with the house.

However I can provide at least a half dozen honey-do lists that I’ve stumbled across while sorting stuff out and packing things up. It gives a whole new meaning to the term starter home: instructions included.

I am looking for help from friends who like cats, though. I need to find someone willing to provide a foster home for one or more of my four indoor cats for a month or so. I am heading to Oregon without a place lined up there to stay yet and I’ll need a few weeks to get organized. I am, of course, willing to pay expenses.

The cats are all in good health, spayed and vaccinated. Three are older and one is only a few years old. Please get in touch at reporter@boundarycreektimes.com if you think you might be able to help for a month, possibly two.

So the latest two bits of gossip are now confirmed as fact—my house is still for sale and I am looking for people with room enough in their hearts to look after my cats.


Boundary Creek Times