A group of kestrels are preparing for the world around them.

A group of kestrels are preparing for the world around them.

A magical transformation

A local couple look after bird boxes in the hopes of making new friends

For several years, my wife and I have looked after numerous nesting boxes. Most of them were built with western and mountain bluebirds in mind but end up being appropriated by tree swallows.

A couple boxes were made much bigger in the hope some larger more exotic birds would take up residence. This year it happened.

As you can see from the picture, our new American kestrel family consists of four vulnerable, bewildered, awkwardly-curious youngsters.

Before summer fades into autumn they should be fierce self-reliant gracefully acrobatic hunters. This is one more example of Mother Nature’s innate ability to create magical transformations.

Lloyd Atkins



Vernon Morning Star