A mix of issues

Resident responds to a variety of issues in the region

The March 21 paper was a good mix of articles and letters, which alternatively gave me hope and indigestion.

Congratulations to RDNO directors Fleming and Macnabb for speaking out about the recent decisions on Civic Arena. I’m glad someone is. How sad and unprofessional that they were called obstructionists for speaking up. Having only sat in on one RDNO meeting recently, I was left shaking my head at the way business was conducted in general.

Two letters to the editor were spot on, and I refer to Joanne Georgeson’s on a bypass and John Hegler’s on the pathetic water plan. There is a glimmer of hope for thinking people in this area yet.

The other letter from H. Thorburn was ridiculous. The city would be deader than it already is without the consumers from the outlying areas.  Would he like to amalgamate or put up gates and charge folks from outlying areas like Lumby, Cherryville, Nakusp, Armstrong, Enderby, Oyama, Falkland, etc. to utilize goods and services in Vernon because they are using the infrastructure?   Who does he think maintains these retailers, professionals and service industries? People from within the city limits? I’m pretty sure Kelowna and Salmon Arm would welcome everyone.

Look at the many papered-up, empty business premises in Vernon.  Any good, stable government-type jobs have been pulled out without a whimper and I suppose the postal service is next. It doesn’t indicate good planning or decision-making has been going on.


P. J. Sault



Vernon Morning Star