A Natural Health Approach Column: 10 Things To Know About Acupuncture

"Acupuncture is a wonderful way to give yourself the care you deserve to help relieve stress and to prevent the start of disease. You are worth it!"

Dove Sprout (R.TCM.P) co-owns and operates the Creston Acupuncture and Natural Health Centre alongside her husband, Paul Gaucher (R.TCM.P). File photo

By Dove Sprout (R.TCM.P), the co-owner of Creston Acupuncture and Natural Health Centre

10 Things To Know About Acupuncture

It doesn’t hurt

Even if you are afraid of needles (many of us are, including myself), you can still get with acupuncture. Acupuncture needles are different from medical needles in that they are very small, smooth and conical. They do not have a sharp edge or a hole inside to cut the skin. In some locations, many people don’t even feel the needles. Sometimes a small prick is felt as the skin is penetrated. There may be a deeper sensation of some sort that is uniquely felt by the individual, but once all the pins are in place most people find it so relaxing they end up having a nap during treatment. If it were painful, I would not be in business.

It is deeply relaxing

Acupuncture releases feel good endorphins and neurotransmitters that promote feelings of well-being while easing muscle tension and pain. Most leave their treatment deeply relaxed and sometimes even in a state of bliss.

It can treat almost any non-emergent physical, mental or emotional complaint

Pain, acute or chronic, is often the number one reason that brings people into my office. Acupuncture has a high rate of success when treating pain, and often when it doesn’t work, it’s because treatments were stopped too early. Three to 10 treatments is good to start with, additionally regular maintenance for more chronic conditions may be required and spread out according to patient progress. Acupuncture is also quite successful as part of a treatment program for stress reduction and for mental, emotional, or spiritual imbalances.

Everyone is unique and each treatment is customized for the individual

A detailed intake and interview process is offered as a part of seeing a new patient. Two patients may come in with the same disorder, but they may be due to different reasons so differentiation is key for treatment success. Not everyone can be treated the same way, nor will everyone respond the same way, or progress at the same speed.

Not all acupuncture is the same

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture differs from Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS), or dry-needling techniques. Acupuncture or TCM graduates study in their profession for three to five years depending on the degree of education they seek. There is a tremendous depth of knowledge behind the needling. And within those graduates, many spend years in continuing education courses and in developing their own style and flare for the medicine. It is important to choose a practitioner that fits your own unique needs and personality to build a trusting relationship.

It has almost no harmful side effects

Occasional bruising can be expected with acupuncture due to the nature of the tools we use, but these marks don’t hang around long. It is also not unusual to be slightly achy for a day or so after treatment before your condition shows improvement. Other side effects are extremely rare when administered by a professional acupuncturist or TCM practitioner. Usually, the only side effects felt are the good ones described above with the release of those endorphins and neurotransmitters.

It has been used for thousands of years

Early evidence shows that Acupuncture has been practiced as early as 8,000 years ago. Ancient civilizations started the practice of using sharpened stones and bones to stimulate points along the body. That’s a lot of practice time!

It is a great way to practice self-care in a busy world

For all the reasons mentioned above, acupuncture is a wonderful way to give yourself the care you deserve to help relieve stress and to prevent the start of disease. You are worth it!

It excels at preventative medicine

While acupuncture is worthwhile at any stage of dysfunction/disease, it excels on treating imbalances in the system before any of this even starts. The easiest way to treat disease is to catch it before it starts. Acupuncturists and TCM practitioners are trained to identify disordered patterns and can aim to correct them before any symptoms can manifest.

It helps to strengthen your immune system

In the same way that acupuncture excels at preventative medicine, TCM treatments can help to strengthen your immune system so it is better prepared when viruses and bacteria try to penetrate. This is beneficial in order to avoid, shorten the duration and expedite the healing process of colds, cases of flu, bacteria and other “foreign invaders”.

Dove Sprout (R.TCM.P) and her husband, Paul Gaucher (R.TCM.P), co-own and operate Creston Acupuncture and Natural Health Centre, located in downtown Creston.

For more information or to book an appointment, call the clinic at 250-428-0488. For further questions about what acupuncture and herbal medicine can treat, you can e-mail Dove at acupuncturecrestonbc@gmail.com or check out her website acupuncturecrestonbc.com.

Creston Valley Advance