A new arrival to the valley

Lorraine Doiron's View from the Porch.

I reported a small black flashlight with initials carved into it, found at the Dome. Someone’s treasure. Correction: it was found at the Duthie Mine, not the Dome.

Wally and Wendy Bergen are pleased to announce the arrival of a new granddaughter, Leah Gale Bergen-Barendregt, born July 30, 3:30am. Parents are Charlie and Rhaina Bergen-Barendregt and brother Hayden Charles. Welcome!

Gwynne Dyer, author, visited Smithers a few years back. His latest book is Crawling from the Wreckage.  An excerpt: “birth rates around the world have dropped faster when literacy has risen.” At one time the birth rate was 5.4 children per woman, with the increase in literacy it is now 2.7.

Had the opportunity to speak with Fergus Tomlin, Museum Director. Always thought a museum was a building holding antiques. Listening to Fergus I now understand that museums can be much more, presenting to the community an ever changing view of our history. Speaking of museums, visit the Virtual Museum of Canada (VMC): www.virtualmuseum.ca.

Freedom quilts. Much debated as to if they even existed. These quilts had two uses:  preserve a history of a people that were often denied literacy, secondly used as a way to direct those same people to the path of freedom via the Underground Railroad. A quilt with the block pattern Jacob’s Ladder hung in view was a signal for a safe house. . Lesson learned is that quilts can bring more than warmth and beauty, they can preserve ideas, communicate. Read “The Civil War Diary Quilt” by Rosemary Young.

The Hudson Bay Lodge, the Fireside Pub and the Alpenhorn Bistro and Bar have teamed up to provide designated drivers. Available on Fridays, 7 p.m. To 11:30 p.m. and Saturday, 8 p.m. To 12 a.m., within Town boundaries.

The Bank of Canada has developed a new polymer bank note series. They are printed on a continuous piece of smooth, durable film, a different feel from paper. A new $100 bill will begin circulation November with $50 and $20 in 2012. Offers greater protection from counterfeiters, easier to verify and harder to counterfeit. Visit www.bankofcanada.ca/banknotes for more information, a great resource centre.

Remember the library contest. Pick up your crossword or word search form at the Library or at the display table at the Fair. I am looking forward to seeing how many take up the challenge. NOTE: movie night at the Library has been changed from the 24th, the night of the Fall Fair parade to August 31 at 6:30. So you won’t miss either.

Lorraine Doiron writes the weekly View from the Porch.

Smithers Interior News