
A new dawning of wisdom: A COVID fable

Out of the mists of time, march the Nineteen Dark Knights of the Covid

A new dawning of wisdom: A COVID fable

Out of the mists of time, march the Nineteen Dark Knights of the Covid

Their misguided fealty to a king, long ago dead to the cause.

A king whose regality, withered by falsehoods spun between his own ears.

They see greatness, but it is only the image of their own pitiful egos.

Reflections in each other’s tarnished armour.

Sensing a lost cause, they desperately uncover their faces.

Standing close, searching each other’s eyes for signs.

That they might be led back to honour.

But the enemy, invisible is surrounding them,

All the while, gaining access to the land.

In actual retreat, they think they can still win the battle.

Once proud speeches by the king, now reduced to gossip.

Questioning why now, should they don their armour and stand firm for the country.

In disillusion some begin to fall upon their own swords.

Lacking a battle plan, many take law into their own hands,

As in a deadly coup against the people of the land.

Meanwhile the enemy has flooded thru the open gates.

The knights cry out, “God help us!”

But the enemy enters through their breath, chocking them from within.

The citizens work desperately through that night, crafting their own protective headgear.

Their only shield from an enemy that kills not with a sword, but poisons with a breath.

The people wise and now protected, diligent, injected with a new courage, in the end, win out.

A new day is born as the ogres, unable to steal another single breath, die off with the last gasp of a leaderless army.

The people exhaled that deep breath of freedom. Gained through their diligence and unity, and once again the sun shone upon their land.

No longer to hide innocent faces behind locked doors.

Headgear now removed they look upon each other’s triumphant, smiling faces.

The deadly, silent enemy now relegated to just another part of dark history.

Don Felling


Cowichan Valley Citizen