A place to mix, mingle and socialize

A place to mix, mingle and socialize

Editor, The Times

Editor, The Times:

This is a big event and it could be a great marketing subject for all ages, for tourism all summer long, every Saturday from May to October. The Elks Pancake Breakfast and Farmers Market.

It could possibly show tourism, government and coastal people what Clearwater and area are about, being friendly. There’s no homelessness here that I know about.

The pancake brekkie is a place to spend an hour or so, talking to neighbours or complete strangers, doctors, lawyers, housewives or tourists of all ages. Then go through the many booths at the Farmers Market.

This has been going on for at least 10 years and gets busier every year.


Our communities are hurting right now for loss of earnings from the local mill shutting down and 172 people laid off. It is not just 172 people—there are loggers, truckers, money spent at various businesses. There’s no pipeline to help out (as yet) because people at the coast don’t realize we exist, or need to work as our lifestyles are very different than theirs.

I have been here since 1958, raised my family here on loggers earnings, I helped with all things in my community, watched and helped it grow to the vibrant community it is now. I’m proud of it too. The few Elks members keeping the brekkie going might need more help, we are getting older, I did put in three years time, some many more, and it’s so good to see people stepping up.

Your mayor and council are doing a great job of getting the word out and we need to work together for the common good to all. Hope you have a great summer. Just my view of things as an oldtimer proud of her community.

See you at the pancake brekkie or other community events.

Joanne Mackenzie,

Blackpool, B.C.

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