A plea to scrap 196 Street roadway and overpass

Editor: While I agree that we need another overpass over the railway line, I do not think that it should disrupt so many family homes when there are alternatives.

I live in Huntsfield Green, which is at the end of 53 Avenue. The homes around this area are on the flood plain of the Nicomekl River, and during the rainy season we cannot walk around in our yards without sinking deep into mud and water. This could become worse with building of a road and overpass, and all the shaking that occurs and the loss of land for drainage.

The use of this route by trucks will likely cause an increase of noise, shaking and air pollution. In all likelihood, it will cause disruption of the bird sanctuary in Brydon Pond.

This overpass should be at 200 Street or west of Production Way. The railway should foot the bill with the increased profits from the increased rail traffic that is being predicted.

I wonder if the Langley City councillors and mayor realize that there are enough voters in this area. If we make a big effort to get everyone out to vote, they could all lose their jobs at the next election.

I ask decision-makers to consider this — please do not put this road and bypass in our back yards.

Sharron Trickett,


Langley Times