A positive B.C. budget

B.C. is the first province to deliver a balanced budget in Canada since the recession.


I feel compelled to write as I have heard so many people commenting on the budget introduced on Tuesday. I am normally the first person to look for ways to reduce taxes, especially for the under privileged in society. However, I fail to see how a 2% increase on those earning more than $150 thousand and a 1% increase to Big business is going to hurt them or B.C.

I think the more important thing, in these economic times, is that B.C. is the first province to deliver a balanced budget in Canada since the recession. And as B.C.’s economy gets better, and provincial revenues increase, these specific tax increases should be the first to go. Then the government can continue by reducing taxes even further to encourage our economy and allow businesses to take risks and hire British Columbians.

Marney Hogan, Langley

Aldergrove Star