A pox on all the anti-Christmas police

The Christmas police are trying to reinvent the wheel and want to wish me a Happy Holiday instead of Merry Christmas.

Editor: Christmas has been around long before any human who is walking the planet today. I am a 61-year-old third generation Canadian.

It seems that the Christmas police are trying to reinvent the wheel and want to wish me a Happy Holiday instead of Merry Christmas, in order to appease Canadian newcomers. Why stop there? Why not rephrase all the Christmas songs?

How about “We wish you a Merry Holiday, we wish you a Merry Holiday and a Happy New Year.”

Guess what, you now have to appease me because I am now offended. Or am I not as important, or is our Canadian tradition not as important?

I do not believe we have to artificially populate this country for economic reasons

And to all the radio stations, why do you air Christmas songs in November? This is overkill. I guess the advertiser greed and power machine is alive and well. Money trumps genuine well wishing.

I think I’ll just open my wallet upside down, take a valium and put any Christmas spirit I have left into a eulogy.

To all the anti-Christmas authorities (whom I believe are incessant voter-starved meddlers with nothing else better to do), I guess I will never see you pass puberty.

This activity is bullying any way you slice it. It is another black mark against any program or service you are trying to initiate.

Maybe we have to import common sense. Why don’t we increase immigration numbers for politico wannabes?

Richard Keill,


Langley Times