A primary question

Two-thirds of our elected MPs appear to be afraid of asking whether a fetus is a human being.

Re: “When does life begin?”, Letters, The Leader, Sept. 27.

Is she human when she is in the womb? This is the primary question.  Pro-choice advocates appeal to the right of a woman to have control over her own body. They frame abortion as a women’s health issue. Certainly, pregnancy and giving birth to a child is not easy on a woman’s body. I have supported my wife through three pregnancies. Each one had its difficulties, but each time a beautiful, unique human being grew inside her.

Motion M-312 has been defeated. Two-thirds of our elected MPs appear to be afraid of asking whether a fetus is a human being. They are afraid of the implications. But we Canadians should never be afraid of the truth. Let’s take courage. Across the nation, human hearts still beat in the wombs of mothers.

We should not rest until the beating hearts of unborn humans beat safely, without threat of violence. May our nation’s politicians see the light, so that our children may see the light of life.


Ben Vandergugten

Surrey Now Leader