A ray of hope for us

The local X-ray clinic will be closed for three weeks

Maybe there is a ray of hope in the glowing reports in the press of the new MLA for the Parksville-Qualicum constituency in light of the current changes.

Life Labs is reducing hours at the Qualicum branch 10 hours a week and reducing staff hours at the same time that the Parksville branch will be closed until the new clinic is opened in three weeks.

Likewise, the X-Ray Clinic will not be operating for three weeks with patients being advised to go to Nanaimo where the Conservative candidate owns a clinic with six machines.

The local X-Ray staff were assured jobs at the new clinic but only half were offered full-time work at reduced wages by VIHA.

One local patient being treated by intravenous drugs every four hours in Nanaimo Hospital for an infection in his spine and back was told due to a shortage of beds he was to be discharged and sent home but was to come back every four hours, 24 hours a day.

The family looked at getting a hotel room but did not think this constant care a physical possibility for both patient and family on a 24-hour basis.

Could this be what someone was referring to as “the same old same old?”

Does anyone want to reconsider how they voted or did not take time to vote?

A. N. Skipsey


Qualicum Beach



Parksville Qualicum Beach News