A refreshing change of pace

Coldstream politician defends premier holding a meeting only with women

Much ado about nothing! I am truly dismayed that the focus on Christy Clark’s session in the Okanagan on Friday at a Ladies only Lunch, has been more on the fact that it was by invitation and for women only, than on the discussion that ensued.

The truth is that the format was excellent for conversation, the topics were rich and varied, and the premier was eloquent and knowledgeable on all subjects.

She fielded questions and made comment on topics as varied as the economics of liquefied natural gas and its implications to the B.C. economy, to the challenges of poverty and the statistics of single-parent, female-headed households in B.C.

The composition of the people present in the room set the agenda, and I think that was the whole point of making it ladies only.  Ninety per cent of the time in politics the agenda is set by men; it was refreshing for this one time to hear a different perspective.

Maria Besso, Coldstream councillor



Vernon Morning Star