A ‘refreshing’ Trudeau speaks

Liberal leader did not give knee-jerk-reaction reply to the politically charged topic of the terrorist bombing.

Re: Justin Trudeau’s visit to Surrey on July 24.

I’d not given Justin Trudeau any real political consideration until I saw him asked on live national TV by CBC’s Peter Mansbridge what the new federal Liberal leader thought about the topic of the Boston Marathon terrorist bombing.

The young Trudeau blew me away by suggesting that society must look not just at such atrocious terrorist acts, however abhorrent, but also beyond to the violent offenders’ motivation(s) for committing the acts, therefore perhaps learning how to prevent future offences.

Rather than simply spouting the knee-jerk-reaction reply to the emotionally and politically charged topic of the terrorist bombing, Trudeau instead gave a refreshing though unfortunately rare thoughtful reply, apparently rejecting the trial-and-punishment-if-convicted rhetoric.


Frank G. Sterle, Jr.

White Rock

Surrey Now Leader