A reminder to keep your garbage secured

Barriere residents to keep garbage bins in a secure location until 5 a.m. on the day of collection

WildSafeBC Community Coordinator Mandy Ross will be out and about throughout the summer tagging garbage bins that are placed out before 5 a.m. to insure the safety of both wildlife and the community.

WildSafeBC Community Coordinator Mandy Ross will be out and about throughout the summer tagging garbage bins that are placed out before 5 a.m. to insure the safety of both wildlife and the community.

To the editor;

WildSafeBC would like to remind Barriere residents to keep garbage bins in a secure location until 5 a.m. on the day of collection.

Barriere is bear country, so it is very important to keep garbage secured to ensure the safety of both wildlife and the community.

Bears easily become habituated to garbage and become a danger to the community and themselves if they start to seek out garbage as a food source. Please keep your bins secure and free from smells as much as possible.

Your WildSafeBC Community Coordinator, Mandy Ross, will be out in the community throughout the summer tagging garbage bins that are placed out too early.

She will also have an information booth at some community events throughout the summer, make sure you stop by and say hi.

Contact Mandy at tnrd@wildsafebc.com for more information or for tips on managing wildlife attractants around your home.

WildSafeBC is a non-profit program that promotes wildlife safety throughout the province. Together can help to keep wildlife wild and communities safe.




Barriere Star Journal