A response

Resident raises concerns about derelict vehicles in the community

This letter is in response to Chief Byron Louis’ comments on the moorage of unsightly boats and barges just off of Okanagan Indian Band land on Okanagan Lake.

Here is a quote from you in The Morning Star Oct. 2: “All of these barges and vessels aren’t monitored or under any standard to ensure environment standards are maintained.”

What sir, do you say about your own lands such as the property on the corner of Highway 97 and Westside Road? I believe that on this land, there is a graveyard of derelict machinery, boats and vehicles. They have been there for many years, yet your band has chosen to ignore this unsightly property, which is in full view of thousands of local people and tourists that travel this way every year.

You talk about environmental standards, yet these derelict vehicles and machinery are polluting this land with old engine oil, transmission oil, different oil, brake fluid, windshield washer solvent and anti-freeze, as well as broken glass, rotting tires and rust from the rotting vehicles.

Have you or your band made any attempt to clean up the eyesore? This land would cost a fortune to get it back to environmentally friendly condition.

With all due respect, I leave this situation with you and your band. Please feel free to respond with a proposal as to how you and your band will get your own lands back to being environmentally friendly.

Rick Orlando


Vernon Morning Star