A response

Resident concerned about plans for Cosens Bay Road in Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park

If I had not read the full context of Alice Klim’s letter to the editor April 1, I would have assumed it was submitted as an April Fool’s joke.

But no it was for real.

Anyone who read the letter should now understand why municipal, provincial and national parks were established. Protecting special areas from the self-interested people of the world was first and foremost on their minds. Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park is definitely one of those protected areas. Yes, the grasslands and the snakes, frogs and the countless other animals and birds, etc. do matter to most of us, even though you may not think so.

I do know that Cougar Canyon is a beautiful part of the park but I also know your motivation in promoting it is again self interest, as you can use that area of the park to convince others to upgrade the road as it also leads to your cabin. But remember the park is much more than just your lakeshore property and Cougar Canyon.

I would suggest that you and 90 per cent of the cabin owners in the area knew upon purchase of the property that there was water access only and I would also suggest many of the original owners were motivated to buy for that very reason, but that is another sore spot that will sort itself out later.

No the park was not purchased and set up just for people and not rattlesnakes as you suggest. It was set in place to protect this special area and its natural environment so it could be enjoyed in its natural state by this and future generations.

I understand that the environment is not as it was 100 years ago, but it will now be preserved as is for eternity unless people lobby to degrade it and create even more damage than what has already been done by your precious road.

As a side note to your comments about Cougar Canyon, I have biked, hiked and driven to some very beautiful parts of the world without travelling on paved roads and trails. We should, as a community, along with our many visitors, be able to do the same.

As for the rattlesnakes, please remember they are an endangered species which I hope will be protected and held in higher esteem than the folks who are trying to destroy their environment.

By the way, should you ever feel you want to improve the park, maybe you can walk some of the hiking trails and remove some of the bagged dog feces and other dog poop on the trail that has been left by dog owners who also seem to have no respect for our provincial and municipal parks.

Am I upset with your road access? You bet.

Doug MacGregor


Vernon Morning Star