A response to Jumbo

A letter to the editor voicing an opinion about the Jumbo Glacier Resort final proposal

To the editor:

As those who are interested know, representatives for every imaginable perspective have been debating the Jumbo glacier project proposal for a couple of decades.  My question to any of these representatives is, “Is it appropriate to grossly alter the character of as valuable and spectacular an area as the Jumbo Glacier, on speculation, on a gamble?”

Weekly I drive through Radium Hot Springs marveling and cursing at the unfinished, dilapidated shells and the flapping Tyvek of one of the more recent development gambles taken in the area.  And what about the condominiums in Athalmer, auctioned off in Calgary?  How profitable was that development?  Are the five or six other skiing establishments in nearby areas seeing good profits?  Province wide, how are ski profits?

I fervently oppose further development in the Jumbo area because I believe the time has come to quit using our wild spaces as dice in a game where there odds aren’t 100 per cent.  Perhaps I’m just not a gambler.

Kate Bennett

Brisco, BC

Invermere Valley Echo