A right and responsibility

Please get out and vote. Get started by doing some homework to find out who the candidates are and why they are running


Please get out and vote. Get started by doing some homework to find out who the candidates are and why they are running for election in our community.

It is important to vote because the futures of our communities are at stake and the people who are in office control how our tax dollars are spent. They also control the policies that are implemented and the ones that are not. They are our representative to the provincial and federal government.

The last municipal election saw just over 20 per cent of the people in Langley City who were eligible to vote turn out and do so. Because they did vote, they were the 20 per cent who were represented by Langley City Council. The rest of the constituents were ignored and no one likes to be ignored. Unfortunately the 80 per cent who didn’t exercise their right to vote received just what they didn’t vote for. Let’s change that and make a difference this year!

On election day this November 19, vote, so that your wishes are not ignored again. This time make your voice heard and be listened to. If you don’t vote this time, it will be another three long years before you get another chance and three years is a long time to be not represented by your local government.

Remember it’s your right and your responsibility to vote!

Lorraine Hubbs, Langley

Aldergrove Star