A sad realization

Healthcare is a green industry, but not in the way we were hoping

Reading the recent letter of Art Skipsey (The News, Jan. 29),  “This confirms the observation I made when I was on the NRGH board that the chief reason the Nanaimo members opposed a hospital in our area was that they saw the hospital as a green industry for Nanaimo,” at first, I was confused.

I related this to an environmental issue, then I was ultimately shocked to realize this referred to the almighty greenback … the money generated by the hospital industry in Nanaimo.

It seems to me that something is radically wrong with the moral fiber of a society where money trumps the health of its citizens.

We in Oceanside live at risk so that all of the profits of the healthcare industry can be collected in Nanaimo?

Thank you for pointing that out Mr. Skipsey, but it was a sad realization.

In fact, the whole health care situation, under the current provincial government, is rapidly deteriorating to a two-tier system.

Norma Hesby

Qualicum Beach




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