A shameful political reality

Does it really matter which areas the redundant MPs represent in the face of this shameful political reality?

I read of the local Victoria political jockeying for turf regarding the boundaries of the MPs who will represent the Greater Victoria electorate; what a colossal waste of time and money.

It is now standard procedure that the Prime Minister’s Office makes unilateral decisions regarding the most important national issues, excluding the input of any MPs. What difference will it make where the boundaries in Greater Victoria begin or end?

The Prime Minister of Canada has signed a free trade agreement with China. “This could become a binding treaty on Canada for the next 31 years with no debate in the House, no vote in the House and essentially no effort to ensure the Canadian public even knows this is happening.” (Elizabeth May, Oct. 31, 2012).

Actions like this erode any thoughts that the Prime Minister’s Office practices any form of democratic government. Does it really matter which areas the redundant MPs represent in the face of this shameful political reality?

Harry Atkinson


Peninsula News Review