A taxing time

With the completion of the Cowichan Lake Sports arena renovations comes a bit of renewed attention toward its $7.6 million cost.

With the completion of the Cowichan Lake Sports arena renovations comes a bit of renewed attention toward its $7.6 million cost.

Although the project includes a $1 million federal grant, taxpayers will have to pay for much of the remaining cost (see Page 3 for details).

But, taxpayers voted for it.

Well. Just over half of taxpayers, anyway.

That’s democracy for you. Not everyone will always get their way.

With an eagle eye on the Town of Lake Cowichan’s budgetary process for 2011, The Gazette hasn’t noticed any questionable items thus far. The town’s elected officials seem genuinely interested in both improving the town and keeping taxes low. But, these two ideas don’t always go hand in hand. To do something, money must be spent.

Each tax dollar to be spent in 2011 will be outlined in the town’s financial reports, currently being drafted.

Will everyone agree with the numbers it has to share? No. Will the majority? Hopefully. It all depends on whether or not you – yes, you – keep an eagle eye on the budgetary process, as well.

One question that was brought up during the past two Town of Lake Cowichan public meetings has been; “Will the Cowichan Lake Education Centre ever make any money?”

In some senses, it is making money, but in the end, taxpayers are still funding it (see Page 18 for more.)

Is it worth it? This reporter things so, considering the centre’s spin-off effect for local tourism, as well as its knack for getting grants and hiring local unemployed citizens. But, it’s your decision; just like every other item on the 2011 budget. It is an election year, after all.


Lake Cowichan Gazette