A time of renewal

Spring is a beautiful time of renewal and freshness of life.

Paul Gaucher

Paul Gaucher

Spring is a beautiful time of renewal and freshness of life. It’s an inspiring season to begin to be more active and to activate the cleansing properties of our bodies.  Many of us can use some support to relieve some of the persistent aches and pains that are lingering from winter. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are very beneficial to help you gain better mobility, and to do the activities that you love with more vitality.  Some of the more common ailments that Chinese Medicine can treat are back problems, hip pain, neck and shoulder pain, and knee problems. When we’re in pain it’s difficult to get the exercise that we need to be healthy.  This leads to a further weakening of the muscles because they aren’t exercised enough to gain strength, which often makes the condition worse.  The most common cause of many painful ailments is blood stasis (blocked flow or poor circulation). When there is a problem with proper blood flow to any area of the body, that area cannot function properly.  Acupuncture works directly on the site of pain to improve the flow of blood circulation, oxygen, and nutrients.  This concentrates the body’s natural healing capacities to restore mobility and full range of motion, and to improve organ function. This in turn restores our capacity/ability to exercise, which improves overall resilience, circulation, oxygenation of the body, strength, and uplifts our mood.

Another important aspect of spring is that our organs, especially the liver, start cleansing our bodies of accumulated cellular waste from winter. It’s the absolute best time of year to do liver cleanses, as well as cleaning up our diets, and removing poor food choices.   With a bit of discipline, this can be really empowering, and can be a fantastic opportunity to implement healthy lifestyle habits to prepare for a year with as much energy and stamina as possible.  When we clear out waste products and old metabolites from our tissues and organs, our bodies become more efficient, feel lighter, and are more energized. My basic dietary recommendations for this time of year are to consume smaller portions of meat, and to limit sugar and caffeine intake. Also, I recommend consuming a lot of steamed vegetables, along with generous servings of fresh sprouts in as many of your dishes as possible, and to drink more water (preferably between meals).  Acupuncture and herbal medicine can also be of great benefit to substantially augment this cleansing process.

I’m passionate about alternative medicine and health, and enjoy working with people who want to make genuine positive changes in their lives. Remember, health is our greatest wealth.  If you need support, feel free to make an appointment with me.

Paul Gaucher (R.TCM.P) and his wife Dove Sprout (R.TCM.P) co-own Creston Acupuncture & Natural Health. They work at the Full Circle Health Centre, which also offers Physiotherapy, Chiropractic , and Counselling services. For more information or to book an appointment, call the clinic at 250-402-2044. For further questions about what acupuncture and herbal medicine can treat, you can e-mail Paul at crestonacupuncture@gmail.com


Creston Valley Advance