A tool of the prohibitionists

Letters to the editor perform a valuable purpose in disseminating alternative ideas about subjects of interest in the news

Letters to the editor perform a valuable purpose in disseminating alternative ideas about subjects of interest in the news. Some are written from a sensible, reasoned stance, others contain nothing but bluster, misinformation and hyperbole.

Witness the letter published in the Nov. 14 PNR by Eileen Nattrass. She summoned up all the lies, half-truths and hyperbole that she could find or dream up.  If one examines her assertions, they look ridiculous.

Marijuana causes deafness? That’s a new one.

I must thank the editors for publishing this nonsense because when the public sees how flimsy the prohibitionist arguments are, when the refutations are overwhelming as I am sure they are, the public is educated. Not in the way intended by Ms. Nattrass, because the public will see that they have been deceived by false arguments and question the more reasonable-appearing arguments of the professional prohibitionists. She is actually sowing the seeds of the end of prohibition with her illogical arguments.

Thank you, Ms. Nattrass for being such an obvious tool of the prohibitionists.

Bruce Symington

Medicine Hat, Alberta




Peninsula News Review