A tragic legacy

On Aug. 6 and 9 we commemorate the nuclear annihilation of 120,000 human beings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

On Aug. 6 and 9 we commemorate the nuclear annihilation of 120,000 human beings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and further tens of thousand that suffered a slow, terrible radiation death, planned by an evil gang of criminals that controlled the United States government, just as they do today, imposing war, torture and financial ruin on the peoples of the world.

And all this under the pretense of national security and promoting democracy. Its own people and the people of other countries are pawns in their pursuit to establish a new world order. The atom bombs had no impact on ending the Second World War — they were to impress comrade Stalin and prevent him from invading Japan, like a lion on its kill showing its teeth to an approaching hyena. When will we wake up and replace the lies with the truth?

Rolf Loth





Penticton Western News