View from the Porch

View from the Porch

A trip down fool’s memory lane

Lorraine reminisces about her dad getting the better of her and her sister

My steps have been picking up as I have tried to walk, outside, everyday.

April Fool’s Day, April 1, sometimes called All Fools’ Day is actually today. A day of practical jokes and hoaxes. I remember my dad, having his morning cup of tea, standing in the kitchen looking outside, my sister and I sitting at the breakfast table. Dad would say “Humm, wonder what is wrong with that bird out there, it is really doing something strange.” That caught our attention. Then he said “Goodness, there is certainly something wrong there.”

Well, of course, we got up to look outside and see this bird. Dad would have a good chuckle and tell us “April Fools.” He caught us several years in a row before we were older and figured out what he was doing. I was told you can only do April Fools’ jokes until noon. Apparently setting aside a day for playing harmless pranks has historically been relatively common in the world. The word to remember is “harmless.”

I have confirmed that the Trade Show, something I always looked forward to, has been cancelled. You know I never realized how many things we have had going on in the Town until I started getting notices of cancellations.

A neighbour loaned me several old books, including an old Simpsons-Sears catalogue dated 1966. I am looking forward to taking a walk down memory lane. Their Christmas catalogue is so missed, the grandkids would circle everything they wished for in the toy section, such fun to dream.

One of the other books is a Fun Fare: A Treasury of Reader’s Digest Wit and Humour from 1963. Some definitions: etiquette: learning to yawn with your mouth closed, CBS. Poise: the art of raising the eye-brows instead of the roof, Howard W. Newton. Television: Radio with eyestrain, NBC. Golf: a good walk spoiled, Mark Twain.

Recreation Sites and Trails BC (RSTBC): Their number one priority is the health and safety of their staff, partners, volunteers and visitors. Effective immediately, they are temporarily closing recreation facilities and suspending services at many recreation sites and trails across BC. Check out for more information.

Recreation trails offer opportunities for people to get out into nature and you may continue to access recreation trails to day hike and recreate. You are reminded to practice social distancing, stay home if sick, limit non-essential travel, use local trails, you are responsible for your own safety. And I read that bears are now starting to come out of hibernation. So, even more reason to be watchful and aware. Plus, some trails may not be groomed or maintained and harder to access.

A couple of apps I came across: has a 60-day free trial of their courses including post-natal workouts; has at home and live video workouts.

Closing with: speculate: to meditate on or ponder a subject – reflect. To review something idly or casually and often inconclusively. To assume a business risk in hope of gain – specially to buy or sell in expectation of profiting from market fluctuations. To take to be true on the basis of insufficient evidence – theorize. To be curious or doubtful about – wonder.

Smithers Interior News