A unified approach is needed

In the early days of shipping Port Simpson, Pearl Harbour, Otter Anchorage and Big Bay played a significant role in Pacific bound shipping.


In the early days of shipping Port Simpson, Pearl Harbour, Otter Anchorage and Big Bay played the significant role in Pacific bound shipping from the Northwest because of their unencumbered access to Main Passage, Dixon Entrance and the Pacific.

A new era of shipping and development is being proposed for the North Coast. Much larger ships and many more ships will, if the current LNG dream goes ahead, be utilizing the already congested Kinahan Island- Green Top area.

A unified project approach that pools resources to build common and safe accessible industry infrastructure is needed to guarantee financial feasibility, safe passages and provide continuity in construction and operational jobs.  A unified project approach can achieve the many benefits large scale project development will bring to the area but without the noise, congestion and loss of harbour space for local industry and recreation opportunities to global corporate competition. The nearly pristine setting of Prince Rupert Harbour can be preserved.

The industrial complexes being proposed, I believe, should be joint Federal, Inter- Provincial, First Nation and industry partnerships designed and operated to the best environmental and operational standards in the world. To achieve this North Coast proponents and governments need to work together to find a single safe location for this mega scale type development.

Imagine Prince Rupert Habour as a beautiful harbour city with many local industries, a yacht club or two, pristine views, local boating space and marinas, a small boat industry, interconnected sub areas, room for local service industries, a vibrant charter tourism component, cultural amenities, low level development along a human friendly useable waterfront rising to an uplands filled with quiet and pollution free residential and commercial areas.

Imagine a world-renowned shipping and processing sector planned and built in one location a distance from the city with safe access to the Pacific, providing long term employment and service industry opportunity for the population while serving the country, the provinces, First Nations and industry.

Peter Christensen

Oona River

The Northern View