A valley rich in history

As rich and personal the history of this valley is, I truly believe the most transitional of it could be happening right now.

As rich and personal the history of this valley is, I truly believe the most transitional of it could be happening right now. We are poised to take in a much larger population in the very near future. We have a humble but great “Canadian” location in which to live. A place where the small town life still persist within a fairly protected environment. There is lots of background rumble and plenty of “NEW” already within the last few years. Save your photos of the new construction as well as those of just before. They will be the keepsakes of this valley in a very few years.

All this newness will require focused efforts from you loving and concerned residents to ensure we don’t destroy what we currently cherish. Progress simply does not happen without change. While progress is inevitable, both it and the resulting change can be directed. Be sure not to let change manifest without “you”. The loving attention of a dedicated population is essential in helping maintain our amazing living environment. Have an opinion and get involved for the greater good of our amazing valley. “Just a thought.””

Randy Hedlund

Clearwater Times