A waste

I am tired of the city spending our money frivolously on silly things like bike and walking paths.

What a waste of time and money. As a child, I rode my bike all over London, Ont. with no need for bike paths.

I am tired of the city spending our money frivolously on silly things like bike and walking paths.

Those of us with cars are paying huge amounts of road tax that should be getting used to maintain the infrastructure of our city so that we can use the roads we pay to maintain.

The City of Vernon is doing a dismal job of maintaining said roads.  There are potholes all over the place — 20th Street is a joke.  Kalamalka Lake Road looks like a highway in some developing country.

Yet the city seems to think if they build a bunch of paths, everyone will park their cars and magically start riding bikes everywhere.

It’s not going to happen. I for one can’t afford the lost time it would take to bike around town, and how do you transport the goods you buy when you get to your destination?

And are these hoards of bicycle groupies going to use these big expensive paths in the winter?

Not very likely. The city just wants to build junk like this as a self-aggrandizing monument to themselves.

I think it is time we woke up and support the majority of people and businesses that oppose such irresponsible squandering of our financial resources in these troubled times.

Let’s find a more important band wagon to jump on, like fighting crime and drugs and homelessness.

Ward Brunsdon



Vernon Morning Star