AAPs must be stopped: say no

Please folks do yourself and everybody else a big favour, go to the CVRD office and sign the electoral response forms.

I fully agree with Ross Grant’s letter to the Cowichan Valley Citizen Nov. 4.

Ross, you hit the nail right on the head on all three items and I urge people to go to the CVRD office and sign the electoral response forms to stop arts and culture and the Cowichan flood management initiatives. It is my understanding AAP for the Lake Cowichan weir is put on hold right now.

Area E has one more AAP coming which has to do with street lighting. I have lived in Area E 50 years and I have never seen street lighting anywhere in my neighbourhood. We have defeated the pool increase big time and we can do it again.

Please folks do yourself and everybody else a big favour, go to the CVRD office and sign the electoral response forms.


Leo Kasbergen

Area E

Lake Cowichan Gazette