Abandonment of old tabby cat cruel

A few days ago a little tabby and white cat was left in the dog park in Maple Bay.

A few days ago a little tabby and white cat was left in the dog park in Maple Bay. Bad enough for the cat in the freezing weather, but really difficult for this cat because he could not eat as all his teeth were rotten. Luckily Cowichan Cat Rescue extended a helping hand so he was seen by a vet at Duncan Animal Hospital.

I do not want to judge the person who left this old cat to fend for himself because I do not know about this person’s circumstances, but I cannot imagine what would drive anyone to commit such a cruel act.

The cat was friendly and obviously had been a loving companion to somebody for years, but perhaps when he started to cry out with pain when he tried to eat he was abandoned in the cold.

He was so grateful for being brought into the warm and given a bowl of mash he could just manage to swallow. I will remember his gentle purr and the soft butting of his head against my hand.

Sadly his health had declined to the point that the vet felt euthanasia the best option, so this is his sad little memorial.

If this letter saves even one cat from being abandoned, then the life of the tabby cat accomplished something.

Kudos goes to Cowichan Cat Rescue and Duncan Animal Hospital for their help.


Tina Wood

Maple Bay

Cowichan Valley Citizen