Abortion a matter for a woman and a doctor

Contrary to the propaganda from the “God’s law trumps human rights” crowd, Canadian abortion laws are settled.

Re: “Canada’s abortion matter still not settled,” Letters, The Leader, Jan. 31.

Contrary to the propaganda from the “God’s law trumps human rights” crowd, Canadian abortion laws are settled.

The decision as to whether to continue pregnancy is a matter to be decided by the pregnant woman in consultation with her doctor.

It is a matter of medical confidentiality and no one else has the right to know the woman was pregnant.

Religious fanatics of all denominations claim they are protecting human lives. Where are they when one of the women under their control is raped or seduced and becomes pregnant?

In far too many cases, they apply their barbaric biblical rules to shame the woman, leading to women hiding their pregnancy and trying to end it without medical assistance.

There are many studies supporting the fact that restrictive abortion laws lead to more (and more deadly) abortions.

Religious fanatics continue to chip away women’s rights to control their bodies. These fanatics are not pro-life. They are anti-liberty.

Check http://bchumanist.ca for evidence-based discussions of this and other issues.


Ullrich Fischer, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader