About time Alberni city councillors were taken behind woodshed

It’s about time Alberni city council was held accountable for its immaturity when it has had to accept change — including new leadership.

To the Editor,

Re: Councillors lash out at mayor over lack of trust, Alberni Valley News, Mar. 13.

It’s said “the truth will be out”, so thank-you to local newspapers whose articles continue to confirm what has been evident since mayor John Douglas was elected: in tone of voice and manner of addressing the mayor, a barely concealed contempt by incumbent councillors.

And thank-you to Port Alberni citizen Neil Anderson, who rightfully scolded councillor Rob Cole for criticizing the mayor with innuendo.

It’s about time this council was held to account for its apparent emotional immaturity when, it has had to accept change— including new leadership.

Incidentally, I voted for certain “incumbent” councillors, trusting in their maturity to work with new leadership.

Now, I expect them to get on with the job I (increasingly!) pay them to do.

Liz Stonard,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News