Acclaimed officials

Acclaimed? Who in their right mind would want to be acclaimed into a political office?

Acclaimed? Who in their right mind would want to be acclaimed into a political office?

Where is democracy when no one shows up to vote or run against another person seeking office and the only candidate is acclaimed?

The amount of apathy that is rampant in this community is perhaps caused by the amount of pharmaceutical prescriptions every one seems to be taking. Those pills seem to render the population into complacency and the general attitude that “George will do it.”

I bring to mind the recent gathering of elected/acclaimed individuals in Whistler last week (the UBCM convention).

Where was Bill Veenhof, duly acclaimed director to the RDN for area H (Bowser, Qualicum Bay, Deep Bay and Horne Lake)? He, it seems, did not even register. At least Qualicum Beach  Coun. Scott Tanner was in attendance and was able to approach, and ask the Minister of Agriculture questions regarding the problems we are having with some decisions that effect area H.

This demonstration of ignoring the issues at hand in area H (marijuana grow op close to the elementary school and Ministry of Agriculture breaking the law by issue of license to drive on our beaches) is unacceptable from an elected individual, let alone an acclaimed person.

I believe it is time that our community of Seaside Eastside north of Qualicum be represented by a committed, elected young person who could use the $24,000 per year to go to five meetings a month (with free dinners) and be a voice for our communities. It’s time for area H to have a real debate and election of who we want to represent us. We want democracy in action and nothing less.

Len Walker

Deep Bay

Parksville Qualicum Beach News