Act now to save Atlantic Power from closing


Act now to save Atlantic Power from closing


Open letter to the Honorable Michelle Mungall, Minister of Energy Mines and Petroleum Resources

Atlantic Power in Williams Lake was built in the early 1990s to clean up the air quality in Williams Lake.

BC Hydro purchases power from Atlantic Power for 25 years, their contract has run out as you are well aware of sometime ago.

READ MORE: Local leaders continue to apply pressure to keep Atlantic Power open

The company has been working with BC Hydro trying to obtain a new long-term contract without success.

I have written you letters requesting your assistance and your response has been we are working on a long-term plan for BC Hydro.

Minister, Williams Lake’s environmental and health concerns are at risk. Without a contract with BC Hydro the risk of Atlantic Power closing its facility in Williams Lake in the very near future, I fear, will become a reality.

Action is required now.

Donna Barnett,

MLA Cariboo Chilcotin

Williams Lake Tribune