Action needed on local traffic issues

One year ago, nearly 100 residents living on streets immediately south of Oak Bay Village, signed a petition

What will it take for council to hear citizen’s concerns about local traffic, consult with them  and take action?

Exactly one year ago, nearly 100 residents living on streets immediately south of Oak Bay Village, signed a petition asking council to address traffic and parking concerns, and requesting at least some measure of traffic calming. So far, nothing has been done. We were told that traffic changes on one street would affect other streets. We agree. However, according to your article in a recent edition of the News (Untying the Traffic Knot, March 8) changes are proposed for Oak Bay Avenue, with seemingly no acknowledgement that they will have a significant impact on streets immediately south of the Avenue and no consultation with residents re: any proposed changes.

We are frustrated with council’s inaction and indifference to our expressed concerns. Our petition was never formally placed on the council agenda, one meeting with staff left more questions unanswered than answered and no action was recommended. Later last year we raised the issue again and were told by council members to work with the Active Transportation Committee. In good faith, we contacted its chair, Coun. Michelle Kirby. Our request to meet, was met with silence, as was our request to put our concerns on its agenda.

We support making Oak Bay Avenue more accessible, more pedestrian friendly. We recognize that as vehicular movement on Oak Bay Avenue becomes more difficult, we will have to live with more cars and more truck traffic. This, when one recent traffic count showed on a single day in 2012 more than 60 six-wheeled vehicles used Granite Street. But with no plan to consult with affected residents it appears our council cares not.

Diana Butler, Susan MacRae, Wendy Zink

Oak Bay


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