Action needed on water

This city council has become even more a developers’ council than some prior.

To the Editor,

Following a 3.5-hour council meeting last Monday, I came home so discouraged I could weep.

This city council has become even more a developers’ council than some prior.

Councillors made decisions on many issues affecting developers and all of them, allowing for this amendment to bylaws and that amendment to bylaws for the developers of this city.

And yet they reversed their decision on Nanaimo becoming a Blue Community, which means they do not consider water a human right.

And even though there is a resolution on the books from 2006 making water and wastewater publicly owned, that is now in question.

And even though city staff had prepared a superb report on the phasing in of the bottled water ban in city-owned facilities and at city events, they have decided they want yet another report on the implications of the resolutions presented.

Why would city staff and/or council decide on the implications of the resolutions presented when they have not spoken with the groups that presented the Blue Communities Project, who have the best understanding of any implications? Perhaps a meeting is in order?

Discouraged? Yes. Ready to give up? Absolutely not.

The citizens of our fine city need to stand up and raise some hell about the decisions that are being made on our behalf.

It is not good enough and I will continue the battle with all of the others I know are out there to improve how our city council thinks and acts.

June Ross


Nanaimo News Bulletin