Columbia River–Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald

Columbia River–Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald

Actions show we will never forget

Again this November 11th, communities across Canada will gather to honour veterans who have sacrificed so much for us.

A Remembrance Day Message:

Again this November 11th, communities across Canada will gather to honour veterans who have sacrificed so much for us.

Our freedoms, our ability to make decisions democratically, and the fact we live in peace all come from the sacrifice of others.

On Remembrance Day, we remember those who have fallen.  But each and every day we must show that we value all that we have been given.  And we must commit ourselves to looking after others, protecting our freedom, and furthering our democratic responsibilities.

Along with our children and grandchildren, our continued attendance at Remembrance Day ceremonies shows that we are keeping faith with our veterans.  And we prove through our actions that we will never forget.

Norm Macdonald, MLA Columbia River–Revelstoke will be attending Remembrance Day ceremonies in Revelstoke this year.



Revelstoke Times Review