Outside the Box participants help raise awareness for the seven-week celebration of fibre and textile art.

Outside the Box participants help raise awareness for the seven-week celebration of fibre and textile art.

Acts of kindness in abundance

Letter writers express their appreciation for various good deeds around town.


Last Wednesday, after walking with my dog and our friends at Redwood Park, I returned to my car only to find that some loutish punk had smashed the window in the back door of my car.

As I stood there trying to figure out how to get the piles of broken glass out of the backseat, we noticed a Surrey city maintenance truck in the parking lot. I went over to ask whether I could borrow a broom or something to clear the glass. Both men were on their lunch break but immediately jumped into action and gave me a broom to use. Mike, one of the fellows, actually gave up his lunch break to come over and sweep out my car for me because he was concerned I might get cut by all the broken glass.

We piled the glass up, and Mike and his partner said they’d clean it up when they were done with their lunch.

Boo! Hiss! – to the punks who vandalized my car.

Mike, you’re my hero and I wanted to publicly thank you for giving up your lunch break to give me a hand.

Patricia Harila, Surrey


We went shopping at the Peninsula Village Safeway on Christmas Eve morning. The cashier we chose was having a lengthy discussion with a gentleman.

Ahead of us in line was an elderly couple who had purchased a small cooked chicken for their Christmas dinner. When they were prepared to pay their bill, the cashier said the gentleman paid for their groceries. They had few items, so they received almost $50 cash. How very happy and surprised they were. Then it was our turn to pay, only to be told the very generous gentleman had given $50 towards the payment of our grocery bill.

This random act of generosity brought a tear to my eye.

We wish to thank the gentleman, and we wish him health and happiness in 2012. His act of kindness will be passed on.

Howard & Ellen Kennett, Surrey


As founder, organizer and general weaver together of loose ends, I wish to express my gratitude to all those people in the arts, business, service and civic communities who captured and expanded the vision of Outside the Box – A Celebration of Fibre & Textile Art.

From Sept. 1 to Oct. 21, this unique festival was held, for the first time, in various locations within White Rock and South Surrey. There was no outside funding of any kind. No society. Only an very active dedicated planning team of individuals and representatives from various institutions, organizations and local businesses. We used the resources available and were amazed by the results.

I am unable in this letter to thank individually those who worked so hard to make Outside the Box the success it has been. However, my heartfelt thanks go out to Peace Arch News reporter Alex Browne, who grasped the festival’s concept – “use what we have.” With imagination and dedication, he brought all aspects of the events and exhibitions before the public. Thank youThank youThank you. And see you next year!

Pauline McLean Dutkowski


I believe there’s good in certain people.

On Nov. 18, at about 6:30 p.m., I was in Wendy’s restaurant at South Point. When I left I did not take my purse home with me. The funny thing is, I didn’t realize my mistake until the next morning, when it was time to go and vote. Wendy’s opens at 10 a.m. and my husband was there, waiting for the staff to open the doors.

Imagine our surprise when the staff had my purse – the money, credit cards and other items completely untouched. I would like to shout out a huge ‘thank you’ to whomever was kind enough to hand in my purse.

Bless you, and Merry Christmas. You have single-handedly restored my faith in people. Thank you.

J. Henshaw, Surrey


Peace Arch News