Ad with panties down offensive

Even more disappointed with placement of Caddy Shack ad

Editor, The News:

Ad offended youth, think again (Letters, May 25).

I disagree with Keith Dymond’s assessment that the Caddy Shack ad of a woman with her panties down wouldn’t offend today’s youth.

That assessment also misses the point that the ad offends today’s families.

There are still conscientious parents in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows who strive to prevent  our children – our greatest treasures – from viewing and being influenced by overly sexualized images in the media.

It’s a shame when our trusted community paper runs such a bawdy, tasteless ad.

I was even more disheartened when the said ad was placed beside the article “Students protest to protect fish habitat, so that even this article that would interest youth and families couldn’t be enjoyed without seeing the ad of the woman pulling up or down her panties.

If wanting to prevent my children and youth from viewing the many overly sexualized images in media makes me a prude, then I’ll gladly be called a prude whose children are able to grow up with healthier ideas about their bodies and purer minds.

Thank you, Leah Pillet, for bringing this matter to my attention, and thank you for caring about our children and youth.

Breehan Starratt

Pitt Meadows


Maple Ridge News